9.1. How to debug

9.1.1. Building for debugging

When you build software for debugging, you can get more information like symbol resolutions in gdb. So we build both MySQL and Mroonga for debugging in development.


If you build one of them for debugging, the size of structures etc. might be different, and you might not be able to load Mroonga, or assertions don’t work in running. How to build MySQL for debugging

As you can see in MySQL :: 2.9.4 Installing MySQL Using a Standard Source Distribution, you can build MySQL for debugging by passing -DWITH_DEBUG=yes option in CMAKE options.

The procedure from download to build is the following.

% mkdir -p ~/work/
% cd ~/work/
% wget https://cdn.mysql.com/Downloads/MySQL-8.0/mysql-boost-8.0.29.tar.gz
% tar xvzf mysql-boost-8.0.29.tar.gz
% mkdir mysql-8.0.29-build
% cd mysql-8.0.29-build
% cmake ../mysql-8.0.29 \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/local \
    -DWITH_DEBUG=yes \
% make How tom build Mroonga for debugging

You can build Mroonga for debugging by passing --with-debug in configure options.


In order to build Mroonga, you need to install required tools and libraries beforehand.

See Others for the details of dependencies.

The procedure from cloning repository to build is the following.

% cd ~/work/
% git clone git@github.com:mroonga/mroonga.git
% cd mroonga
% ./autogen.sh
% ./configure --with-debug \
              --prefix=/tmp/local \
              --with-mysql-source=$HOME/work/mysql-8.0.29 \
              --with-mysql-config=$HOME/work/mysql-8.0.29-build/scripts/mysql_config \
% make

When you successfully build both, please invoke tests like the following. If you get [pass] for all tests, you succeeded to build for debugging.

% test/run-sql-test.sh

9.1.2. More about run-sql-test.sh

run-sql-test.sh is our friend for debugging. Here we show some examples of its usage. Run the specified test only

When you invoke run-sql-test.sh without any option, all tests under mysql-test/mroonga will be invoked.

So if you want to run certain tests only, you can specify the test name in --do-test option.

./test/run-sql-test.sh --do-test=foobar See the trace

When you run tests by adding --debug option like the following, function calls information is recorded.

./test/run-sql-test.sh --debug --do-test=foobar

This information is stored in ${MySQL's working directory}/${MySQL version}/mysql-test/var/log/mysqld.1.trace.

When you add a new function, it would be a good idea to put it in the beginning of MRN_DBUG_ENTER_FUNCTION function and record its calls. Invoking GDB

By adding --gdb option, you can debug with GDB when you run tests.

./test/run-sql-test.sh --gdb