Mroonga blog


Mroonga 2.09 has been released!

Mroonga 2.09 has been released!

Mroonga is a MySQL storage engine that supports fast fulltext search and geolocation search. It is CJK ready. It uses groonga as a storage and fulltext search engine.

How to install: Install

This release has backward incompatible changes against against TIMESTAMP value and primary indexed char(N).

TIMESTAMP value is changed to store as UTC timezone. If you have any table that uses TIMESTAMP column with no UTC timezone, please recreate (dump and restore) database.

If you have any table that uses char(N) as primary key, please recreate index.

Dump a database that uses mroonga:

  % mysqldump MY_MROONGA_DATABASE > database-mroonga.dump

Restore a database by modified dump file:

  % mysql -u root MY_MROONGA_DATABASE < database-mroonga.dump

Recreate a index if you use char(N) as primary key:

  mysql> ALTER TABLE table_name DROP PRIMARY KEY;
  mysql> ALTER TABLE table_name ADD PRIMARY KEY(column_name);

There are two topics for this release:

  • Supported last_insert_id() function in wrapper mode
  • Improved to use specific MySQL version for mroonga package

Supported last_insert_id() function in wrapper mode

This release began to support last_insert_id() function in wrapper mode.

last_insert_id() function itself is able to use in previous version, but last_insert_id() returns invalid value in wrapper mode.

The bug was fixed in this release.

Improved to use specific MySQL version for mroonga package

Mroonga requires specific version which is built with MySQL version on build time.

If MySQL package is updated to mismatched version after releasing mroonga latest version, mroonga would not work well.

In this release, mroonga began to require specific version of MySQL which is used to build packages.

It is aimed to avoid the problem of version mismatch between MySQL and mroonga.


See Release 2.08 - 2012/10/29 about detailed changes since 2.07.

Let's search by mroonga!