Mroonga blog


Mroonga 4.04 has been released!

Mroonga 4.04 has been released!


This release supports inplace adding or dropping a column!

You can adding or dropping a column quickly.

Normal adding or dropping a column is slow because they uses the following sequence:

  • Creates a new temporary table.
    • The temporary table uses schema that is applied adding and/or dropping a column changes.
  • Copies all data to the new temporary table from the existing table.
  • Renamed the existing table.
  • Renamed the new temporary table to the existing table.
  • Removed the existing table.

"Copies all data" process in the sequence is slow. If the existing table has many data, it is very slow.

Inplace adding or dropping a column uses the following sequence:

  • Adds or drops a column to the existing table.

The sequence doesn't have "copy" process. So it is fast.


See Release 4.04 - 2014/07/29 about detailed changes since 4.03.

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