Mroonga blog


Mroonga 11.02 has been released!

Mroonga is a MySQL storage engine that supports fast fulltext search and geolocation search. It is CJK ready. It uses Groonga as a storage and fulltext search engine.

Mroonga 11.02 has been released!


The main changes are as follows.


  • CentOS Added support for MySQL 5.7.34, 8.0.25.

    • There are below restrictions in the MySQL8 package.

      • [Wrapper mode] Wrapper mode is not supported yet.
      • [Storage mode] Storage mode does not support the following feature.

        • The feature of relevant to the optimization.
        • The SRID of Spatial Indexes.
          • For example, the index of Mroonga is not used in search with MBRContains function. (It search by sequential search.)
  • CentOS Added support for MariaDB 10.2.38, 10.3.29, 10.4.19, and 10.5.10.

  • Ubuntu Dropped Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) support.

    • Because it reached End of Standard Support at April, 2021.


See Release 11.02 - 2021-05-10 about detailed changes since 11.01.

Let's search by Mroonga!