Mroonga blog


Mroonga 7.08 has been released!

Mroonga is a MySQL storage engine that supports fast fulltext search and geolocation search. It is CJK ready. It uses Groonga as a storage and fulltext search engine.

Mroonga 7.08 has been released!


Here are changes in this release.

  • Supported table level flags option.

  • Supported MySQL 5.6.38-2 and 5.7.20-1

  • Supported Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark)

Supported table level flags option.

In the previous version, when you create table in Mroonga, you could not set Groonga's table flag. So, if you want create table for saving many big data, you needed to use mroonga_command.

In this release, when you create table, you can specify KEY_LARGE flag. You can more easy make table for save many big data from this.

Here is how to specify KEY_LARGE.

  CREATE TABLE diaries (
    content VARCHAR(255),
    FULLTEXT INDEX (content)
  ) ENGINE = Mroonga COMMENT = 'engine "InnoDB", flags "TABLE_HASH_KEY|KEY_LARGE"'

In addition, you can specify TABLE_HASH_KEY, TABLE_PAT_KEY, and TABLE_DAT_KEY table options. For details of each of flags which can specify, see the below documents.

Supported MySQL 5.6.38-2 and 5.7.20-1

In this release, MySQL 5.6.38-2 and 5.7.20-1 are supported!

Supported Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark)

In this release, Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) is supported!


See Release 7.08 - 2017-10-29 about detailed changes since 7.07.

Let's search by Mroonga!